Snow Removal

shutterstock_25879564Skid steer clears a parking lot for a rail yard, which is a typical example of a Knapp snow removal project. Knapp provides a full range of snow removal services for the railroad industry.

In many cases this service involves clearing parking lots, roads and walkways at railyards or industrial facilities following heavy snowstorms. Knapp’s crews can extend the response of your facilities maintenance crews to clear the snow off of walking and driving surfaces quickly.

In some instances, our snow removal service takes on a more dramatic turn when we respond to blizzards that dump tons of snow on the right-of-way. Knapp’s disaster response services are available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year, and we can deploy crews to respond to your emergency within hours of your call – any time, day or night.

Excavators clear snow from the right-of-way following heavy snows. Crew personal and blowers clear heavy and minor snow from turnouts to maintain proper functioning of the switch. We maintain a wide assortment of equipment to perform snow removal, including:

  • Skid Steers
  • Dozers
  • Front-End Wheel Loaders
  • Excavators
  • Dump Trucks
  • Compressors
  • Blowers

Call Knapp today at 414.672.4270 to learn more about our snow removal services.